3 things that I've learnt

Only a handful of people , like the closest friends/ family members or your partner would know who you really are . Most of the other people would have an image of you which is not necessary right but it's a waste of time trying to prove otherwise or explain them that they've mistaken you. Actions speak louder then words. It's really pointless to spend hours explaining yourself- just leave it, let them discover or at least have a glimpse of who you are by showing them. People always get a better insight if they examine your actions. Knowledge gives you (not only power) but responsibility . Once you discover something new, it cannot be unknown (once seen cannot be unseen). Since you know things that others yet might not, it should be within your ethical codex to help them! However (here's comes the contradiction): some people don't want to be saved . Usually, when you're trying to point out something that you already know, the vast majority o...