
I feel soo good!

I've discovered minimalism a few months ago. Ever since I fell in love with the simplicity that it's praising and all the joy that you can find in it.

My journey began with finding the youtube chanel of HealYourLiving, a very nice Korean girl who lives her life as an extreme minimalist. What I really liked about her is that not only she has this extreme lifestyle but she also practices mindfulness and certain rituals. Her whole vibe of kindness and tranquility has been an idol for me ever since.

Then I discovered other people like The Minimalists, Matt D'Avella, Marie Kondo and also read the book (Goodbye, Things) by Fumio Sasaki.

I did a lot of research in this topic because when I discovered that decluttering is not only a physical act but rather something mental, a soul-healing process, I'd already known that I didn't want to rush it.

When I was younger sometimes I would declutter ruthlessly, throwing away a bunch of stuff for a false relief. Then I would miss those items, mess up the tidied room withing a few days and gather clutter again. I was into this whole tidying idea but I never really knew that there was much more to it than just sorting items out.

Approximately six months ago I decluttered most of my clothes. However I didn't know the KonMari method yet, so it was kind of hard to say goodbye to a lof of items without feeling regret or guilt. I felt that this was not the right way so instead of just saying goodbye to these items I put them in a "maybe box".

Many people say that the "maybe box" is not a good idea. For me, it was very useful. I found myself taking out some of the items throughout the months and yes, this meant more stuff in my wardrobe but I really value gradual change and not turning into an extreme minimalist right away. I believe that it takes time, experience and a lot of learning process to truly change and let go of our older selves. 

Then I finally discovered the KonMari method and I knew right away that this is what I needed. Gratitude. To say goodbye with a warm heart. I've also watched her Netflix series and I have to say that she's another idol of mine. The amount of respect, inner peace and humbleness she has makes me want to be in the same mindset as she is.

So to practice her method, I took out the "maybe box" and I discovered all the clothes that haven't been touched within these months. I've even forgot about some of them. And then I took each item out piece by piece thinking about if they spark joy for me. I intentionally knew which ones I wanted to keep. 

I showed my gratitude and thanked those items that I wanted to let go of. Honestly, it was such a relief. I haven't experienced a feeling like this for a long time. I'm a very sensitive person so yes, I attach sentimental toughts even to my clothes which I know might sound crazy to some but this is just the way I am. And this method suits me very well, so if you're similar I can recommend it a lot. :)

I also tried the KonMari folding method which I will share a photo of below. (I've used the range roll folding method which is very nice for travelling, but since I store my clothes in drawers I find it more organized this way).

Now I have these two drawers (plus another small part for socks and underwear); 3 coat hangers that are occupied by autumn/winter coats/jackets and some shirts; and one small suitcase in which I store my summer clothes. I feel like now I reached a point where I'm really satisfied with the amount of clothing that I have and I could even name all these items that I own. I admit at first I thought that this is still too much, but then I remembered that where I live weather tends to be very different throught the year. Mainly with the winter being very cold here, I accepted the need of warm clothing and that they may occupy more space than usual.

I also got rid of most of my makeup items and haven't really used makeup in like almost a year(?), but that's another journey that I might write about later because I have a lot of thoughts on that as well. :) I chose clothing as the first topic to describe because as a woman it was one of the most overcluttered chategory in my life.

Here's a little recap of all the positive things that have happened with me regarding this journey:

• Gained a lot of motivation

• Helped my low self-esteem

• Gained a wider knowledge in this field (and there's still a lot to learn!)

• I feel a lot easier to choose my daily outfit

• I don't stress about how I look

• I wear things that I like, not what others

• I'm always comfortable, I don't want to impress others

• I've learned to value what I have

• I could give/donate to those in need 

• I don't have a mental breakdown when I have to go somewhere and still haven't decided what I'm going to wear (... Girls, is it only me, or you've been through this as well...? Haha) 

• I feel more balanced, mindful

• By folding instantly after taking off something, I've learnt to fight laziness

• I'm less likely to gather a pile of clothes and leave them wherever (still happens, but I've learnt to not blame myself for it)

I hope that you've enjoyed this little talk about my journey in minimalism! I'm very curious about your opinions, so feel free to leave a comment! <3


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